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■ Made by Quickfit of SciLabware in UK. or Scilab Korea.* The Most Popular Quickfit
Set for Schools, Colleges and Universities
* Comprises 9 Basic Items of Quickfit
Glassware all with Size 14/23 Ground-Glass Joints for Compatibility
* Allows the Construction of at least 8 Assemblies Including Steam Distillation, Reflux with Addition and Preparation
* Scale Based on Starting Material Quantities Up to 30g
* Housed in a Robust Cardboard Box with Foam Rubber Liner to Provide Safe Storage and Transit
* Supplied with a CD-ROM which Includes Practical Details of Some Typical Assemblies
Components of Chemistry Kit(1) Pear Shaped Flask, 50㎖,
14 / 23
(2) Still Head Adapter,
14 / 23
(3) Liebig Condenser, Safety-type, L160×od 24×1.8t mm,
14 / 23
(4) Screw Adapter Kit, GL14,
14 / 23
(5) Receiver Adapter, L20cm,
14 / 23
(6) Air Leak / Steam inlet Tube, Glass od 7×L320×t1.5mm
(7) Dropping Funnel, Rotoflo
Bore 3mm, 50㎖
(8) Glass Stopper
14 / 23
(9) Thermometer, Alcohol, 110℃ / 1℃, L30cm
Spare Parts* 고객 Order에 따라 규격은 변경될 수 있음