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25 Well PC Storage Boxes, Assorted Colours


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25-well Cryogenic Storage Boxes-PC

*For easy inventory management of cryogenic storage vials used in cell culture, pharmaceutical research and other biotechnology labs
*Store in mechanical freezers or liquid nitrogen
*Boxes are vented, allowing rapid cooling of contents and full drainage
*Made of tough polycarbonate for use with temperatures from -196°C to +121°C
*Transparent lids for PC boxes have a numbered grid for quick sample identification
*Chemically resistant to alcohols and mild organic solvents

*5x5 well storage (25-wells total)
*PC boxes with 5 assorted colors:white, red, yellow, green, and blue
*Holds 0.5ml, 1.5ml or 2.0ml microtubes and cryogenic vials
*PC box with Removable lid includes a numbered grid for orientation

Packing: 5 Racks/Strip


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